Buddhism brings together around 300 million practitioners worldwide. Also, a large number of people are interested in the ideologies of this religion. Buddha, the founding spiritual leader of Buddhism, did not delineate his principles only for his followers. Anyone can say a Buddhist prayer, without having to commit to this practice.
History of Buddhism
Buddhism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It is still practiced to this day. It holds fourth place in the world's religion, after Christianity, Islamism and Hinduism. It originated in northeast India and dominated the Asian continent. Thanks to the wisdom of Buddha, Buddhist quotes and prayers attract worldwide attention.
This practice does not consider the presence of a creator God, only rites are carried out to symbolize the spiritual dimension through which man passes during his prayers. Meditative and ethical practices, and various theories are also included. Before sleeping, saying a few passages of prayer helps every believer to rest peacefully, eliminating the bad influences of evil spirits.
The strengths of Buddhist prayer
Buddhism is at the same time a religion, a philosophy and an art of living. It accompanies everyone on a daily basis, whatever the situation: in joy, in happiness, in stress or in depression.Everyday comfort
An initiation to religion
A Buddhist prayer initiates the believer to follow various rites of Buddhism. The statements of each prayer contain the principles of this religion, hence the salvation of the soul and the consideration of others more than oneself. By reading books containing a Buddhist prayer, those interested in this religion will discover the procedures to follow, the gestures to perform and the accessories to provide.
The process of Buddhist evening prayer
Buddhist prayer aims to eradicate all sources of suffering to immerse the human being in true happiness, hence the good balance between body, heart and mind. If for Christianity, the trinity is the father, the son and the holy spirit, Buddhism considers the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha as trinitarian.
Speaking mantras
Mantras are words of protection, frequently said repetitively in prayer. If you want to take on a challenge, push your limits and overcome the blockages in your environment, announce the phrase “Om AmidevaHrih”. This means “overcoming all obstacles and hindrances”.
In order to plunge into deep peaceful sleep, you will have to dictate a prayer for peace as follows: “May all beings everywhere tormented by sufferings of body and spirit be speedily delivered from their ills. May those who find themselves in trackless and disturbing deserts, children, old people or defenseless, be guarded by benevolent angels. »
Equip the necessary accessories
Buddhists accompany themselves with a mala throughout the prayer session. This is a Tibetan rosary made up of several beads. More precisely, it has 108 balls. This accessory helps you count the number of prayers you have recited. As a general rule, you should say a prayer each time you move from one bead to another.
You can wear the mala on your neck or store it in a clean place on an elevated surface. To begin the prayer, it is best to sing praises such as: “Your body, your jewel, grants wishes. Your word, supreme nectar, purifies us. And your spirit is the refuge of all living beings. »
Types of Buddhist evening prayer
A Buddhist evening prayer takes the follower to a deep spiritual awakening, providing him with unusual strength to adopt a positive point of view in the face of every disturbing situation, following the teachings of Buddha. You must remember that this type of prayer is not intended for God or the universe.
Prayer for yourself
Buddhist prayer for oneself is a kind of meditation. The believer will be able to think deeply about what makes him sad. He will thus have to pronounce his sufferings in order to forget them and then exchange them for happiness. For concentration and total involvement in prayer, it is advisable to use dim lighting and then light a scented candle in the meditation room.
You will recite some incantations such as: “Please feed me with your goodness, So that I in turn can feed all the others In the delights of a perpetual banquet. May all suffering cease quickly, May all joy, all happiness be realized And may the holy dharma flourish forever. »
Prayer for others
As Buddhism encourages everyone to value their neighbor, Buddhist prayer must have a part reserved for others. Before you go to sleep, don’t hesitate to express your gratitude for the loved ones around you. You can recite a prayer for absolute happiness and salvation of the souls of your family, relatives, friends and all human beings around the world, as follows: “May all beings obtain happiness and causes of happiness May all beings separate from suffering and from the causes of suffering May they know perfect happiness which is without pain And live in equanimity, without attachment or aversion believing in all that lives.
Read also: Buddhist Prayer In French
Gréham desrosiers
J’aime la religion
Karma Jamyang Lhamo
Une introduction au bouddhisme tibétain par exemple est a conseillé au cœur d’un Centre de pratiquant afin de prendre connaissance du sens des mantras , pourquoi prendre refuge a quoi sa Sert. Pourquoi il faut être initier a certaines prières et a la méditation. Néanmoins le mantra OM mani Padmé hum est a la porté de tout le monde .
Marie Laure
comment savoir quel mantra réciter? combien de fois le dire durant la méditation. Je débute et suis apaisée de prendre du temps pour prier.
Merci pour vos réponses.
Prenez soin de vous
Les montras bouddhistes sont vraiment puissant, je vous assure. Recitez-le chaque fois
J’aime vraiment cette religion car ça conseille beaucoup sur la vie
Alex delano Sime
Puisse tous les êtres obtenir le bonheur et les causes du bonheur Puisse tous les êtres séparés de la souffrance et des causes de la souffrance Puissent-ils connaître le bonheur parfait qui est sans douleur Et vivre dans l’l’équanimité, sans attachement ni aversion en croyant de tout ce qui vit
Je besoin de forte prière
Depuis la mort de mon cher chien et compagnon fidèle je n’ai jamais cessé invoquer vos prières oh combien réconfortantes
omar jose
je viens vers vous car je serais très intéressé pour parle avec vous dans le bouddhiste comment je preparee et faut quoi dans la maison pour faire les prière etc…
merci a vous de votre réponse
bon courage que dieu soie avec vous
Mr omar jose