
The Laughing Buddha is considered a symbol of happiness, abundance, satisfaction and well-being. Laughing Buddha statues are considered auspicious and are often placed in homes, offices, hotels and restaurants, to bring positive energy and good luck.


Read on to learn more about the meaning of the Laughing Buddha and how to keep it in your home.

Laughing Buddha: Meaning

The Laughing Buddha is a statue of a small, pot-bellied man with a satisfied smile on his face. These statues are considered symbols of happiness, fulfillment and luck. This is why Laughing Buddha figurines are very popular in interior decoration. These statues always depict the Laughing Buddha carrying a cloth bag filled with food and other riches. Laughing Buddha statues come in different shapes, each symbolizing something, ranging from luck, prosperity and wealth to happiness, love of family and other values.

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Laughing Buddha: History

The person depicted in the Laughing Buddha statues and images is a Chinese Zen monk named Budai, who lived during the late Liang dynasty, between 907 and 923 AD. With a loving and kind character, he always wore a jovial smile, which earned him the name “Laughing Buddha”. Some Buddhist traditions consider him to be the future Buddha or "Bodhisattva Maitreya".

Statue of the Laughing Buddha: Meaning

The statue of the Laughing Buddha reminds us that we must be grateful, overcome obstacles and above all be happy in life. In Feng Shui tradition, the reason for purchasing and placing statues in the home is to correct a certain imbalance in a person's life. Although a Feng Shui symbol, Vastu Shastra practitioners have also encouraged the installation of laughing Buddhas in homes. The Laughing Buddha resembles Kubera (the god of wealth). Indians therefore associate it with prosperity.

Opting for a statue of Laughing Buddha for the house in Vastu and placing it in the northeast direction is considered auspicious.

Laughing Buddha: Real name

According to Chinese traditions, the Laughing Buddha is a representation of the Chinese Zen monk known as "Budai". This monk's Buddhist name was Qieci (Pinyin in Chinese) and he was from Fenghua.

Laughing Buddha Statue: Popularity and Prevalence

Most Chinese temples have statues of Laughing Buddha at their entrance. Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou is famous for its immense 24.6 m high statue of Laughing Buddha, carved from camphor wood and covered with 60 taels of gold. It is the largest wooden statue in China. Laughing Buddha statues are also sold as souvenirs in souvenir shops and outside temples and monasteries around the world.

Types of laughing Buddhas and their meaning

There are many types of Laughing Buddha statues that you can add to your home. Here is a list with the meaning and importance of each type.

Laughing Buddha #1: Laughing Buddha with a bag or sachet


The bag means that the Laughing Buddha collects the sufferings and miseries of a person and puts them in his bag and gives abundance and positivity. The bag also represents wealth and good fortune.

Laughing Buddha #2: Laughing Buddha holding pearls


Pearls symbolize meditation. Pearls are believed to bring wealth and prosperity. According to other interpretations, they are pearls of wisdom or a fruit such as peach or apricot, representing health.

Types of Laughing Buddha #3: Laughing Buddha seated on gold


This statue of a laughing Buddha sitting on gold and giving a smaller gold nugget, depicts him granting good luck. This statue protects from negativity and gives good vibes.

Types of Laughing Buddha No. 4: Laughing Buddha with a fan and a wu lou

The figurine of a laughing Buddha with a fan in one hand and a wu lou (bottle gourd) in the other hand bestows blessings and good health. The fan wards off misfortune while the gourd protects against ill health.

Types of Laughing Buddha #5: Laughing Buddha with Hat


This statue symbolizes a long, happy, healthy and relaxed life. Keep this figurine to get rid of your troubles and be filled with happiness and a stress-free life.

6. Laughing Buddha holding gold with hands vertical.


This pose symbolizes wealth and luck. This posture is believed to attract blessings from heaven, prosperity and good luck for business.

7. Laughing Buddha with a bowl


The Laughing Buddha with a bowl represents a monk, who spends his life solely for the happiness of people and in search of enlightenment. The bowl symbolizes luck, positive energy and higher wisdom.

8. Laughing Buddha surrounded by children

Bouddha-rieur -surrounded-by-children

This laughing Buddha statue represents the well-being of the family. This figurine is also kept in the house to eliminate problems related to children. It improves fertility and general health.

9. Laughing Buddha sitting on a dragon turtle


This statue is a symbol of good career and success. It indicates that one will never encounter obstacles in education. The dragon represents strength and the turtle represents stability.

10. Meditating Laughing Buddha

bouddha-rieur -meditation-prayer

For a calm and peaceful life, opt for a statue of a laughing Buddha in a state of meditation. This will help you manage the stress in your life with ease and enjoy peace of mind.

11. Laughing Buddha sitting on an elephant


This statue of a laughing Buddha on an elephant symbolizes luck and fortune. An elephant's trunk pointed upward indicates happiness, prosperity, success and wisdom. Place it in the living room, facing the main door, to attract positive energy.

12. Laughing Buddha with fish (Koi Carp)

statuette-bouddha-rieur-poisson- koi carp

This statue symbolizes the wealth and abundance of the Buddha. Keeping this statue at home brings prosperity, success and financial gains, as fish in Feng Shui represent abundance.

13. Laughing Buddha on a frog

The statue of Laughing Buddha with a silver frog is a powerful symbol associated with wealth and prosperity. The silver frog serves as the Buddha's means of transportation, representing abundance and good fortune. As shown in the image above, a cheerful character rides the silver frog, embarking on a journey to success and happiness.


Placing this Buddha statue in your home, especially in the wealth corner or in your office, can attract wealth, luck, positivity and blessings in your career. Embrace the symbolism of this statue to invite prosperity and abundance into your life.

How to choose the laughing Buddha for the home?

The ideal Laughing Buddha for you depends on why you want to get it. Here are some things that will help you choose the best laughing Buddha for your home.

  • To stimulate positivity and eliminate misery: Laughing Buddha with a bag or satchel.
  • For good luck: laughing Buddha sitting on a large gold nugget and distributing a smaller gold nugget.
  • For wisdom and wealth: Laughing Buddha with pearls and closed eyes.
  • For wealth and blessings: Laughing Buddha with a fan and a bottle gourd.
  • For happiness and health: Laughing Buddha with a hat.
  • To attract prosperity and wealth: Laughing Buddha standing with an ingot above his head.
  • To eliminate problems related to children: Laughing Buddha surrounded by children
  • To seek enlightenment: Laughing Buddha with a bowl.

Laughing Buddha Statue: Material

Laughing Buddha statues for the home are made from different materials, each carrying its own symbolic meaning linked to the elements of nature. Here is what each material represents:

Resin: Resin Laughing Buddha statues are valued for their durability and ability to be cast with precision, capturing the delicate details of the Buddha. Resin is a versatile material that can be tinted to resemble other materials like bronze, copper or stone. Additionally, a resin Laughing Buddha statue is often more affordable, making it accessible to everyone. Energetically, resin is neutral, meaning it can be programmed with any intention or desire. To optimize energies, it is recommended to regularly dedicate and clean your resin statue.

Metal: Laughing Buddha statues made of metal such as gold, silver, copper, brass or pewter are ideal for attracting better career prospects and stimulating creativity. They are also beneficial for those who wish to start a new family or undertake a journey.

The stone: Jade is the most popular stone used for making laughing Buddha statues. Jade is associated with luck and good fortune, making a jade laughing Buddha statue ideal for improving relationships and promoting good health. It promotes family harmony, knowledge and personal development.

Wood: A wooden laughing Buddha statue helps attract both health and wealth. Placed in the family sector of your home, it promotes harmonious relationships and the general well-being of your loved ones. Additionally, placing a wooden Buddha statue in your office can bring you favorable reputation and fame.

Tip: Choose the material that matches your intentions and desired results to enhance positive energy and blessings in your home or office.

Laughing Buddha statue for the home: Colors

Laughing Buddha statues are available in many different colors. To help you choose the one that best suits your interior, here's what each color means.

  • Gold: Although the most popular color of Laughing Buddha is golden yellow, which symbolizes prosperity and abundance.
  • Black: The black laughing Buddha is associated with the element of water in Chinese culture. It invites fluidity, luck and wisdom.
  • Green / Jade: The jade green laughing Buddha represents the element wood and is associated with growth, hope and harmony.
  • Red: A red-colored laughing Buddha statue is linked to fire which can help with passion, inspiration and also good fortune. This color is synonymous with celebration and luck.
  • White: A white or silver ceramic laughing Buddha signifies wealth, peace and happiness.

Laughing Buddha Statue: Posture

  • The sitting posture of the laughing Buddha is considered that of love and symbolizes stability of thoughts and tranquility.
  • The standing Buddha symbolizes treasure and happiness.

Laughing Buddha statue: Meaning of the different hand positions

There are many kinds of laughing Buddha statues with varied postures. This is what the hand positions of Laughing Buddha mean.

  • Laughing Buddha with both hands raised means success in financial affairs or personal obstacles. This posture also brings blessings from heaven.
  • The hand lowered, the palm facing out, is the gesture that allows you to grant joy and blessings. The hand is extended downward and the wrist is bent at a right angle to the forearm, suggesting charity and magnanimity.
  • The hand placed on the head symbolizes joy, happiness and good fortune.
  • The raised hand, with the palm facing out and the fingers pointing upwards, is the symbol of confidence and positivity.
  • The two hands of the laughing Buddha, palms up, the right hand placed on the top of the left head, signify meditation, balance of thought and tranquility of mind. /li>
  • The left hand placed on the knees, palm up, and the right hand folded on the right knee, the fingers lightly touching the ground, symbolize spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

Why does the laughing Buddha bring luck?

It is believed that when you install a laughing Buddha statue in your home, it is essential to make it happy. According to legends, this can be done by rubbing your stomach. Rubbing the belly of a laughing Buddha statue is believed to bring wealth, good luck and prosperity.

The Laughing Buddha Vastu: Tips for directing the Laughing Buddha at home.

When adorning your living space with a laughing Buddha figurine, the proper direction for its placement should be kept in mind to reap the benefits and invite good luck.

According to Vastu, when placing a Buddha statue for the home, ensure that the place is clean and clutter-free.

According to Feng Shui, placing statues in the house helps to overcome imbalances in life, bring harmony and lead a peaceful and prosperous life. Here we look at the correct placement of the Laughing Buddha at home.

The Laughing Buddha should be placed in the east, in the direction of the rising sun. It is said to be the place that brings good fortune to the family. To bring harmony and happiness to the family, one must place the idol in this direction.

If the statue is placed in the southeast direction, the wealth of the family will increase.

The laughing Buddha represents balance and inner peace. By placing the statue of a Buddha in the northeast direction, one can promote the energy of this corner and concentrate on gaining wisdom.

The energy entering the house through the main door is welcomed by the Laughing Buddha, it is activated and unwanted energy is cleansed. So place the laughing Buddha on a corner table, diagonally from the main door or facing it. Make sure the statue is facing into the room and not out.

In the belief of Feng Shui, each individual has a specific direction which is their “Sheng Chi”, their direction. Placing a laughing Buddha in this direction in your home will improve wealth and general well-being.

The Chinese consider him an auspicious symbol, as his smiling face and the bag of wealth he always carries are considered to bring happiness and prosperity. This is why it is advisable to place it so that the laughing Buddha is facing the entrance of the chi and not with its back to it.

As the Laughing Buddha statue for the home is considered a protector of children, place a small statue in the children's room, facing the door, for protection and good luck.

Laughing Buddha on the work and study desk

Placing a laughing Buddha on the desk in the office helps with career prospects and to avoid clashes, disagreements and spats with work colleagues. For students, it will be helpful to keep the Laughing Buddha on their study table for better concentration and excellence in their studies.

Laughing Buddha statue for the home: What to avoid

  • The statue should never be placed in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet.
  • The statue should never be placed directly on the ground. The statue should be placed at least at eye level.
  • Make sure the space around the statue is always clean and clear.
  • Avoid placing the statue near electrical outlets, motors or above any electronic devices, as this may disrupt or block the aura of good energy.
  • Never place the Laughing Buddha above a shoe rack.

Your Questions about the Laughing Buddha

In which direction should a laughing Buddha statue be placed in a house?

The Laughing Buddha can be placed in the east, southeast or northeast direction of the house, or opposite the main entrance, facing the interior of the house.

Is the laughing Buddha good or bad?

The Laughing Buddha is considered a good luck charm that brings wealth, prosperity and health.

Is the Laughing Buddha a god?

The Laughing Buddha figurine is believed to be a representation of Budai, a 10th-century Chinese monk.

Can I keep a laughing Buddha statue in the garden?

You can place a laughing Buddha in the garden, but be careful not to place it directly on the ground. The statue should be placed on a tray or stool and should face east.

Is Laughing Buddha the same as Gautam Buddha?

The Laughing Buddha is not the same as the Gautam Buddha. The Laughing Buddha is a Chinese monk who was the patron saint of children, while Siddharth Gauatma is the Prince of Kapilavastu and the founder of Buddhism, who is known as Buddha, the Enlightened One.

How many Laughing Buddha statues can I keep in my home?

There is no specific number in Feng Shui regarding keeping Laughing Buddha statues in your home. Each statue suggests something that can harmonize different aspects of your life. However, it is best not to keep too many statues and place them in the right direction to attract positive energy.

Is it possible to keep a laughing Buddha in the car?

You can hang or display a laughing Buddha on the front dashboard of the car. It means getting rid of worries and bringing joy. It can also be a form of protection for safe travel.

What does the baby Laughing Buddha statuette mean?

Small laughing Buddha statue or monk figurine the adorable little Buddha is fashionable in interior decoration. These pretty statues come in different colors and in different poses: reading, meditating, dancing, speaking no evil, hearing no evil gestures, etc.

What pose does the “Happy Buddha” represent?

The standing Buddha represents the "Happy Buddha" and is said to bring wealth and happiness into your home. This pose is also called Jolly Hotei, because he laughs while raising his hands above his head in celebration.

What are the different names of the Laughing Buddha?

The Laughing Buddha has become a popular name for Budai, a Chinese Zen Buddhist monk. It is also known as Fat, chubby and Happy Buddha or Budai (Chinese) or Hotai (Japanese). He is also called Pu-Tai (Budai), which means "hemp bag" which he always carried with him, filled with treats, such as candy for children.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the comments section!

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