
The orders of Western Buddhism

Western Buddhism appeared following immigrants from Asia such as China, Japan, Tibet and many others. The first Western convert was an American citizen, Carl Strauss, in 1893. In Europe, the first Buddhist communities emerged in Russia and Serbia, most of which were followers of Tibetan Buddhism. It is important to emphasize that the Buddhism practiced by Western converts and that of immigrant communities was significantly different. But what really is the order of Western Buddhism?

Origin of the Western Buddhist order

TheTriratna Buddhist Community was founded in April 1967 in London under the name of the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order or AOBO , by Urgyen Sangharakshita. This great gentleman indicated that an approach to Buddhism adapted to daily practice in Western living conditions was necessary. He led the Community until his official retirement in 1995 and continued to exert a decisive influence on its thinking and practices until his death in 2018.

In the spring of 2010, the name of Friends of the Western Buddhist Order was changed to the Triratna Buddhist Community. This change was due to the development of the movement in a certain number of countries, particularly in India where the Community is very active. At the end of 2018, the order had approximately more than 2,300 members. Community groups and centers were scattered across 26 countries.

Why Triratna? This word means the three jewels and refers to the three central values ​​of Buddhism which are the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. The Buddha is the man who has reached Enlightenment, that is to say, the man who has reached Nirvana. Learning the teachings of the Buddha is necessary. All the elements of our world and our consciousness are guided by the path to Liberation, namely Dharma. It shows the path leading to love, understanding and peace. Knowing how to live and adapt in the Buddhist community which is the Sangha is also essential.  

In addition, commitment to the Buddhist path is described as a process of self-transformation. The existence of Triratna centers is a means of supporting the transformation process at the societal level.

Practice and activities of the order

bouddhisme france

The meditation is the common point of the activities of the Order. Two traditional practices are taught by members of the order, namely attention to the breath and the development of unlimited benevolence. The two practices are considered complementary in promoting equanimity and kindness towards others.

Friendship, Sangha and community are essential contexts for meditation. The latter is described as having four phases. The first two can be correlated with the traditional category of calming samatha practices, while the two are affiliated with the practices of vipassanā, or insight.

The first phase is unification. At this stage, the main practice is centered on the breath. It aims to improve concentration and attention, unify the psyche and reduce psychological conflicts. Then, the second phase is developing positive emotion. In other words, it requires an attitude turned towards others.

Development and loving-kindness meditation is the main practice intended to promote the development of positive emotions. Subsequently, the third phase is called "Spiritual death". This stage consists of developing a penetrating view of oneself and the reality around it. The meditations at this stage include the contemplation of the six elements forming the self and the world, the contemplation of impermanence, suffering, and sunyata. Finally, for the fourth phase, it is centered around spiritual rebirth.

According to the Triratna Buddhist Order, a person is spiritually reborn with the development of insight and the death of the limited self. The visualization of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is one of the truly crucial things in this phase.

Characteristics of the Triratna order

buddhism order

Six characteristics define the Triratna Buddhist Community. First of all, she does not learn from any particular school of Buddhism. It is inspired by several of them. The Triratna considers itself ecumenical because it is based on the premise that there is a common denominator in all schools. Then, the centrality of going to refuge in the Three Jewels is an act constantly repeated, at an ever deeper level. However, the community does not follow a monastic lineage unlike some sanghas.

The founder of the order designed a non-monastic ordination system, a unified order. Ordination is the same for women and men. They are recognized as also being able to practice and develop spiritually. Then, the order emphasizes the importance of spiritual friendship and the sangha. Spending time with those who share the same ideals and who engage in communication and practice is strongly encouraged.

In addition, the fifth characteristic defines that teamwork is also highlighted. Working as a team, in a spirit of generosity and with an emphasis on ethics, is considered a transformative spiritual practice. Finally, appreciating and practicing all forms of art is considered an important aspect of spiritual practice.

The community teaches that the refinement of artistic taste greatly ensures spiritual growth, refines emotional sensitivity, and provides a means of expression of righteous living. In general, the Triratna Buddhist Community tries to find ways to re-express Buddhism in Western culture. His plan of action is to create connections with elements that resonate with Buddhism. The main points focus on the arts as an aspect of Western culture.

News from the Triratna Buddhist community in Paris

Buddhist order

After the succession of Mrs. Vassika to the presidency of the Triratna Buddhist Center in Paris, the members of the community are currently preparing to move into new premises. It is the fruit of hard work and perseverance of members of the Triratna Buddhist community in Paris. It is also a very important step in the evolution of the activities of the Western Buddhist community.

The Triratna Buddhist Community has been established in Paris for around ten years and has brought together many followers of the Buddhist religion. It is currently an important religious community in France and even in Europe. This community works a little more in the teaching of meditation and Buddhist practice. The most important of its activities is to offer people a radical spiritual vision so that they can elevate themselves and transform themselves. The teaching is therefore purely spiritual through meditation and the daily lifestyle. It is also individual and collective. The goal of the community is to make the world a better place by teaching each individual the path of Buddhist truth.

In addition, this move of the center was achieved by the efforts of individuals and collectives of community members. Last year they launched a fundraising campaign and a real estate search. They have already managed to raise enough money to buy this premises and to pay for most of the necessary work. Funding for the project is due to donations and member contributions. They have saved for a long time to get here, to this moment. The perseverance and efforts of members of the Buddhist community have now borne fruit. They are currently enjoying a calm and serene location and a magnificent interior and exterior landscape in the center.

The reasons for moving the center

The Triratna Buddhist community existed for a long time in France and was established in Paris 18 years ago. The members of the community collectively decided to change location for reasons of space. The old address served well, but according to several members of the community, it is no longer adapted to everyone's needs. As community members continue to grow, there will be a need for greater space for exchange, education and meditation. The relocation of the center therefore makes it possible to respond to the ever-growing interest in meditation and Buddhism.

Last year, members of the Buddhist community in Paris found a new location which is an excellent setting for setting up the Buddhist Center in Paris. It is larger than the old center, even twice its size. The current Center of the Buddhist community in Paris is spacious enough to accommodate new followers. The new location has a small interior garden and lots of natural light which are excellent for meditation. The place is also located in a quiet area near a pretty park.

However, it should be noted that members of the community have a library and a study room, reception room, a spacious office and a bookstore linked to a relaxation area overlooking the garden and even a a kitchen area. It will be a beautiful and peaceful space, in which members of the Triratna Buddhist community of Paris will enjoy coming to meditate, study or simply spend time together. Thanks to this new reception and meditation center, the Buddhist community of Paris will now be able to receive new visitors because it is currently possible because of this large space.

The center of the Triratna Buddhist community in Paris operates entirely on the basis of generosity, humility and simplicity of the soul. Everyone who runs the center and those who teach there do so for free. They receive no profit or salary from doing these works. It is a true work of charity and a purely altruistic action. Donations come from the generosity of friendly relationships. They do not make loans, but donations to support the cause and the project of the Buddhist community which are not repayable.

How to enter the Western Triratna Buddhist community?

becoming a Buddhist in the West

If one wishes to enter the Western Triratna community, it is necessary to apply to the Order. This is the first step that everyone must take to become part of this community. They must commit for several years. There is a formal ceremony to show everyone their commitment to this order. Once admitted, the person will be considered as a friend called mitra. Afterwards, she should follow rules like attending Community activities regularly. He should also do meditation from time to time to be able to live properly with all members of the Western Triratna community.

In addition, in this Order, it is imperative to respect the five ethical precepts of Buddhism which are: not killing, not stealing, not lying, not committing sexual misconduct and not drinking alcohol nor take drugs. All these must be avoided so as not to disturb the mind. The latter is very important in Buddhist belief. In the event that a person transgresses one of these precepts, he will receive a warning not to do it again. But if she continues, she will be immediately removed from the Community.

Approach a Dharma master to integrate into the Triratna Community

To integrate into the Triratna Buddhist Community, it is important to approach a Dharma master. It can be found in a temple or monastery. The objective of this step is to listen to the teachings of the master. It will give all the essential points to know about how to live in the Community. Thereafter, it is necessary to attend a prayer session with the Dharma master after receiving the information. Apart from this, with the Dharma master, one can also learn and understand the four Nobles of Truth, Nirvana, Karma and the path of the Three Refuges.

All these lessons help to avoid suffering in life. They will also be able to guide each person on the path to happiness, love and peace. Finally, the Dharma master also helps people who wish to enter the Triratna Community to be selfless. Generosity and charity are virtues that every member of this Order must have.

Buddhist Wisdoms: Life of a Western Buddhist Practitioner VOSTF 02/15/2015 France 2 source: Maurice Gaultier

1 comment


J’ai besoin d’aide, la société n’est pas construite de manière a comprendre ce qui ce passe et la guerre vibratoire qui ce déroule en ce moment porte les combattants a être restreint dans leur possibilité d’action. Je suis maman et on utilise mes enfants comme moyen de pression et je dois les protéger. Je sais que ma place est avec vous et je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais depuis mon enfance, je sais que quelque chose ce prépare, je sais que ma place et celle de mes enfants sont avec vous et je ne peux pas rester dans la peur. Je ressens tout et beaucoup de gens me ressente , c’est pourquoi on cherche a me terroriser et utiliser mon dégout normal et justifier contre les gens qui force a les aimer sans efforts et respect. Je ressens énormément de peur. J’aimerais croire que c’est faux, mais j’ai senti une vibration ou autre allez dans le ventre d’une femme enceinte et deux de ces triplets sont décédés. Je sens un message chaque jours comme quoi je dois me cacher avec mes enfants, tout ca parce que mes intentions sont pure, mais quelque chose cherche à les détourner pour provoquer du mal. J’ai vraiment besoin d’aide car je suis consciente que pour les non croyant, je serais interner pour le reste de ma vie. Le gros problème également, c’est que ma mère est mauvaise et m’utilise pour effacer son karma et détruit tout ce que les combattants du bien tente a régler et construire. Un homme est venu chez moi quand j’étais petite pour voir quelque chose sur moi, un homme dont l’aura était noir. Je ne l’ai jamais revu, mais je le sens toujours. Est-ce que ce dont je vous parle vous dit quelque chose. Je suis certaine qu’une prophétie ou quelque chose du genre vous est familière. Je dois rester forte, et chaque fois que je suis utiliser je régresse et je suis décidée à aider chaque innocent de cette planète, ce qui inclue les êtres qui décide d’évoluer par eux même malgré les erreurs sans utiliser autrui. Écrivez-moi svp.

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