
When we talk about the hand of Fatma, we think about protecting ourselves from the evil eye. But Fatma's hand can also bring luck, happiness and prosperity. Discover in this article how to benefit from the multiple virtues of the hand of Fatma.

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But before starting, how to recognize the symbol of the Hand of Fatma?

In principle, Fatma's hand has the shape of a human hand, but with some particularities. First of all, when you look at it from the front, it looks like it has two thumbs. Furthermore, if we make a cross section of this hand, and join the two parts, we obtain a perfect superposition: which is impossible to achieve with a human hand.


In certain representations, Fatma's hand is endowed with an eye called "protective eye" or "eye of luck". It is located in the center of the symbol, just below the three vertical fingers. According to many works, this eye is not there by chance. Its mission is to watch over and protect all those who wear and believe in this symbol.

What is the meaning of the Hamsa hand, also called the hand of Fatima or Khamsa?

This hand has several names: the khamsa, the khmissa, the khomsa or the tafust. It is a symbol used as an amulet, talisman and jewel by the inhabitants of North Africa and the Middle East to protect themselves from the evil eye. This symbol is often associated with the Punic goddess Tanit

In the Berber language, the term "tafust" means "little hand". The term "khamsa" means "five" in Arabic and Hebrew, referring to the five fingers of the hand, a number that plays a fundamental role in numbering systems. The tafust is also sometimes called hand of Fatma, hand of Fatima or hand of Myriam. Regardless of the country or the era, this gesture is one of love and compassion. The hand pointing downward symbolizes divine blessing. The hand pointing upwards is a symbol of protection.

The hand of blessing is often called the hand of Fatima/Fatma or Hamsa hand. This name evokes a Middle Eastern consonance. We find this symbol in North Africa, the Middle East (Egypt) but also in India with the Ahimsa hand. Its most probable origin dates back to the Neolithic period with the cult of the Great Goddess. Indeed, his blessing has always been at the origin of all the rituals developed over the ages to receive his benefits.

The origins of the Hamsa hand

Eye of the Muslim world, the Hamsa hand is a very widespread religious symbol in Arab countries. Discover the origins of this protective hand and its many symbols.

The Hamsa hand is a popular symbol. The Hand of Hamsa is a representation of the hand of Fatma, the daughter of Imam Ali, the fourth caliph of the dynasty of the four "rightly guided caliphs" of Islam.


The hand of Hamsa is a very ancient symbol. It appears from the 3rd century of the Hegira, or the 9th century of the Christian era. It then appears for the first time in the text of the Gospel of Barnabas.

The Hamsa hand in Islam

In addition to being a very present symbol in Berber customs and beliefs, the hand of Fatma, also called Tafust, is also found in Punic religion and Carthaginian culture, where it was also associated with the goddess Tanit.

Tanit or Tinnit is a goddess responsible, according to Berber and Carthaginian beliefs, for fertility, births and growth. She also represents feminine beauty.

Fatima - Wikipedia

Some tend to associate the sign of the five fingers to the five books of the Torah for the Jews, to the five pillars of Islam or the five of the mantle (Ahl al-Kisa, namely the Prophet, his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali, as well as their two sons Hassan and Hussein) for Muslims. This symbolism may have evolved over time in light of archaeological evidence suggesting that khamsa preceded the birth of both religions. Indeed, this symbol already existed in the polytheistic Punic and Libyan religions, where it was associated with the goddess Tanit.

Who was Fatma?

Fatima Zahra, or Fatima the resplendent, the brilliant, is the daughter of the prophet of Islam Muhammad and his first wife Khadija, born in Mecca at an uncertain date, in 604, 6052, 609 or 615 depending on the sources, and died in Medina around 632.

Considered by Muslims as al-Zahra, the luminous, she is one of the most symbolic female characters of the Muslim religion. she is one of the most symbolic female characters in the Muslim religion. “The brilliant one”, that is to say the bearer of a light which is communicated to her by God and which makes the heavens shine.

The symbol of the hand of Fatma in Buddhism

The blessing hand posture is found throughout Asia, where it is called blessing mudra. There are many mudras that can be seen on all statues of Buddhist or Hindu deities. The most representative is that of the Green Tara with the open hand facing the meditator and often with the end of the thumb and index finger joined (mudra of sublime generosity) or me mudra of the Chinese goddess Guan Yin with the open hand down or up.

Among Hindus and Buddhists, the hand of Fatma corresponds more to the interaction of the chakras and the 5 senses. There is a flow of energy in the human body, and each finger represents energy.

Example of Buddhist Fatma Hand

  • The thumb represents Fire or the solar plexus chakra.
  • The index finger represents Air or the heart chakra
  • The middle finger represents the element of quintessence or the throat chakra
  • The ring finger represents the earth or root chakra
  • Finally, the little finger represents water or the sacral chakra.

Symbolism of the number 5

For the Jews of North Africa, the number 5 is associated with the fight against Ain, the "evil eye", that of the envious look, the thought of jealousy that must be countered with an amulet. The wide open hand opposes the evil eye.

For Muslims, the symbolism of the hand of Fatma is different. For Muslims, the origin of the hand of Fatima and the number 5 is linked to the prophet Mohamed.

"In Fatima's house lived her father, the prophet Mohamed, Fatima, her husband Ali and her two children, Hassen and Hussein They meet under the same sheet and Fatima joins them. Mohamed raised his right hand and then appeared and said: “God wants to free you from your deficiencies. your defilement and thus purify you, and the Archangel Gabriel (Djibriel) joined them under the sheet".

The hand transmits the power, protection, offering, or law of the Prophet. Symbol of the gift and written language The hand is one of the oldest mythological representations known in the world of Islam, always playing the role of protector against the evil eye.

The number 5 refers to the 5. fundamental dogmas or precepts of the law of the Prophet.

The Hamsa hand brings luck

The hand pointing downward is a sign of divine blessing.

The hand pointing upward has a protective power.

Whatever the country or time, this hand gesture is a gesture of love and compassion. The hand of blessing is the symbol of possible divine intercession. But the usefulness of a symbol depends on the person who wears or uses it and the interaction they create with it.

Who carries the Hamsa hand?

We might be tempted to assimilate this symbol to certain cultures but that is an illusion. Because ultimately, all symbols bring us back to the same point: God. God, the universe or whatever you want to call it. What we must understand with symbols is that they inexorably bring us back to the center, to us. They are wonderful helpers who accompany you on your path of evolution.

What are the benefits of the Hamsa hand?

The Hamsa hand is one of the most famous and widely used talismans.

A talisman can be defined as an object, usually a ring or inscribed stone, which is believed to have magical powers and brings good luck. The origins of the word seem to date back to the mid-17th century, with an Arabic word, tilsam, perhaps an alteration of the Greek telesma, meaning "completion of a religious rite", from telein, "to complete, perform a rite", of telos, result, end. The etymology of the word, the study of its origin, gives us good clues to define its meaning.

Some think that an amulet is used to protect oneself, to repel negative energies, while talismans serve to attract positive energies and give power to those who wear them. These items may be displayed or kept in your environment, such as your home or workspace, or may be worn on your person, such as jewelry.

Where to place a Hamsa hand?

In some cultures, it is customary to place a Hamsa hand on the front of the house.

As a decoration, you can place a Hamsa hand in your living room or bedroom. There is no contraindication like other symbols which would generate too much energy in a bedroom for example.

You can also place a Hamsa hand sun catcher in your living room or bedroom, near the window, so that the sun's rays tickle the crystal and flood your room with happy halos of light.< /p>

What does the eye represent?

The eye, organ of sight and perception of the world, has very strong symbolism. Human knowledge or divine omniscience, protective or punitive, it is used in all civilizations as a symbol to represent the invisible or the unspeakable.

This eye is called "protective eye" or "lucky eye" . It is located in the center of the hand, in the palm, just below the three vertical fingers. According to many works, this eye is not there by chance. Its mission is to watch over and protect all people who wear this symbol and who believe in it. It is generally blue in color.

It is reminiscent of the eye of Horus from ancient Egypt. The eye of Horus or eye of Udjat is a protective symbol representing the eye of the falcon god Horus

But also the Greek blue eye, also called matiasma. Do you know him?

When you go to Greece, you often come across pretty and symbolic blue eyes. You can't miss them because they are everywhere: hanging in cars, stores, homes, in jewelry. These symbols are also called blue eyes, Greek eyes or matiasma in Greek

The blue evil eye symbol draws its strength from the "evil eye" belief. The evil eye is a curse. It is usually started by an envious person. It has the consequence of exposing the targeted person to multiple misfortunes. This belief has many followers throughout the Mediterranean basin and is still very present today, including among young people. This is partly due to the influence of the former Ottoman Empire which was one of the first countries to popularize the belief of the evil eye.

Mediterranean peoples therefore adopted protective measures to repel evil. They used talismans called matiasma in Greece, blue eye or Nazar Boncuk in Türkiye. They were used as a preventative measure. Because in most cases, when the "evil eye" is cast, the targeted person cannot realize the harm that is being wished upon them.

The blue eye was formalized as a talisman during the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century. They were the first Arab glass artisans established in the city of Izmir, in what is now Turkey, who saw their art lose popularity in Anatolia. They then decided to create a glass talisman in the shape of an eye which would embody the legend of the evil eye. It is a real success and this symbol is gradually integrated into the customs and culture of many countries in the Mediterranean basin.

What does it mean to have the evil eye?

According to Wikipedia, The evil eye is the supposed power of a person's eyes. It symbolizes the envious or jealous look of others. Popular belief is that this look brings bad luck

The "killer look", or even in Europe in the Middle Ages, with witches who were known to use the evil eye against all those who had the misfortune to come across their way. Their victims were then struck by various ailments, lost the love of their spouse or were plunged into misery.

Small children and animals are particularly vulnerable to the evil eye. Wherever superstitions linked to the evil eye are still alive, it is considered dangerous to draw attention to the beauty of one's children, lest the evil eye cast a jealous glance on them

Des Amulets or talismans are used to ward off bad influence. They often have the shape of an eye, like the eye of Horus in ancient Egypt.

These eyes are traditionally placed:
- at the entrance to houses
- On the hull of boats, etc.

If you don't have an amulet, the most immediate response is a symbolic hand gesture called the sign of the horns (closed fist, index and little fingers pointed to form "horns"), which is recommended to deflect the trajectory of the evil eye.

There are also talismans representing a closed fist with the thumb located between the index and middle fingers. The Romans already had them (some of these talismans were found in the Roman city of Herculaneum). This type of talisman is called "fig" (name coming from the gesture: the hand "playing the fig".

Antiquity used representations of a face to ward off the evil eye. Thus, grotesque masks or hideous figures appear on tombs, armor and leggings of warriors, door knockers, fountains, crockery, furniture and all objects of daily life.

In Portugal, children are protected from the evil eye using necklaces bearing small, complex talismans made up of a crescent moon (against evil spells), a horn (for luck), a pentacle and 'a hand "making the fig" (against the evil eye) The fig is often used alone.

In Jewish tradition, the red thread is used as protection against the evil eye, the symbols of the fig. and fish are also used.

Where to buy a Hamsa hand?

On, we will offer this symbol on different media so that it brightens up your daily life. So stay tuned for our next news!

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